American technology has once again leading, and domestic companies have “exposed stuffing”, and Ren Zhengfei has the truth!

In 2023, artificial intelligence technology suddenly became hot again. The AI chat tool developed by OPENAI in the United States has recently been popular all over the world. It is almost all over the night. It is almost the whole network chatting. It is believed that its appearance can change the future working method.

The reason is very simple, ChatGPT has achieved part of the ability to replace human beings, and can complete some primary brainpower work, such as writing simple papers, doing homework, writing code, screenwriting, etc., and even programming code.

In the outside world, ChatGPT’s ability can meet some of the low technical thresholds, and even Bill Gates said that it is no less significant than the birth of the Internet and personal computers. People are revolutionary. Major technology.

ChatGPT is actually open to global users, but Chinese individual users are prohibited from use, or the registration threshold is very high, and many people will give up using it because of difficult registration.

It is because of the use of thresholds that ChatGPT became an investment air in China. Many Internet giants have announced their entry, and some companies even said that they want to create a “Chinese version of CHATGPT”, but soon these companies were beaten to face. It’s right.

A few days ago, a domestic version of the AI program was successfully exposed because ChatGPT accidentally dropped. Previously, netizens tried to ask if the AI program was behind it. As a result, the program denied ChatGPT related and said that he was human.

Immediately afterward, the second answer of the program is obviously incoherent, and the answer is not related to the questions raised by netizens. What is more interesting is that on the afternoon of February 21, the free ChatGPT server suddenly interrupted, resulting in the program being developed based on the development of Chaatgpt development. Nothing can be used.

For a time, the domestic ChatGPT exposed stuffing. The so-called self -developed procedures were originally used in the US free ChatGPT interface, which is really helpless.

But in fact, the development of ChatGPT is not as difficult as we think. For example, the Fudan University team recently released the first domestic ChatGPT model MOSS. Essence

It can be seen that a series of task AI programs such as performing dialogue generation, programming, and factual question and answer are not very difficult to develop. Why is China behind the United States in this technology? the reason is simple.

You can lead the world in artificial intelligence technology.

It is reported that ChatGPT’s total power consumption is about 3640pf-days, that is, 10 trillion yuan per second, it needs to be running for 3640 days, and if you want to deploy according to the computing power of this scale, at least 10,000 Nvidia A100 high-end high-end high-end high-end GPU chip!

Therefore, the reason why ChatGPT’s experience is good is that the United States is significantly stronger than China in computing power, not to mention that in the context of Sino -US relations, it is difficult for Chinese enterprises to buy strong computing power.

Earlier, the United States restricted high-end artificial intelligence chips such as Nvidia A100, H100, and AMD MI250 to Chinese enterprises. As Ren Zhengfei said, in terms of core technology, we have been stuck in our own necks.

Ren Zhengfei’s remarks are a fact for the Chinese technology industry because in the past many years, a large number of college talents have been lost in China. Essence

It is worth mentioning that Huang Renxun, the founder of Nvidia, was born in Zhejiang and was born in Taiwan Province. AMD’s CEO Su Zifeng was also born in Taiwan Province. Their ancestors were all descendants of Yanhuang. “Main Force”.

So in the face of the scene of “ourselves” stuck, do we have no power to fight back? In fact, in recent years, Chinese enterprises have been thinking of ways to break through the United States’ technological blockade. This generation has clearly recognized the importance of self-improvement. Many scientists have also chosen to return to the motherland.

Although the United States has the absolute right to speak in the semiconductor field, I believe that as long as Chinese companies can unite and overcome technical problems together, there will always be a day of breaking through.

Since the establishment of New China more than 70 years, we are working hard to shorten the technological gap between Europe and the United States, creating one amazing result after another. China has also become the world’s second-largest economy.

China’s rapid development has successfully touched the nerves of the United States and made Bayeng nervous, so we will find various excuses to suppress Chinese companies, but the more we suppress, the more we can stimulate our fighting spirit. I believe that everything will usher in a turnaround!